Monday, September 23, 2013


This week we are working on our "Pick Three" project, which is exactly what it means. We picked three cards: one principle of design, one media, and one type of art. I got collage as my media, variety as my principle (perfect pair I know), and expressionism as my art type. I'm actually starting to get excited after looking through Mrs. Bjork's pin boards on Pinterest. I was also inspired by the expressionism a lot -- which is just expressing your feelings through the art work like Pullock and Picasso (his blue period is some of my favorite work).  For this project I really want to focus on expressing my feelings through this piece while still having variety and hopefully a good collage piece. I want to also use paint for my helper media and possible a little colored pencil. Here is my brainstorming on my Pinterest and a list of places I did my research:

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